Executive Leadership Committee

  • Executive Leadership Committee

    • Photo of Laurie A. Van Egeren

      Laurie A. Van Egeren


      Vice Provost for Public Engagement, University of Minnesota

    • Photo of Susan Short

      Susan Short

      Vice President and Governance Committee Co-Chair

      Associate Vice President for Engagement, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

    • Photo of Javiette Samuel

      Javiette Samuel


      Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Engagement and Director of Community Engagement and Outreach, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

    • Photo of Larry D. Terry II

      Larry D. Terry II


      Vice President for Outreach, Pennsylvania State University

    • Photo of Samory T. Pruitt

      Samory T. Pruitt

      Immediate Past President

      Vice President for Community Affairs, University of Alabama

    • Photo of Burton Bargerstock

      Burton Bargerstock

      Communications Committee Chair

      Executive Director, Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship, and Director, UOE Communication and Information Technology, Michigan State University

    • Photo of Benjamin F. Berger

      Benjamin F. Berger

      Scholarship Committee Co-Chair

      Executive Director, Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility, Swarthmore College

    • Photo of Amber S. Cameron

      Amber S. Cameron

      Awards Committee Co-Chair

      Director for Public Engagement Initiatives, Office for Public Engagement, University of Minnesota

    • Photo of Henry R. Cunningham

      Henry R. Cunningham

      Member-at-Large and Governance Committee Co-Chair

      Director of Community Engagement, University of Louisville

    • Photo of Gwen Gummo

      Gwen Gummo

      Assistant Treasurer

      Financial Officer, Office of the Vice President for Outreach, Pennsylvania State University

    • Photo of Kimberly Henghold

      Kimberly Henghold

      Member-at-Large and Conference Committee Co-Chair

      Director, Community Relations, Office of External Affairs, Kennesaw State University

    • Photo of Chadwick Higgins

      Chadwick Higgins


      Interim Vice Chancellor for Extension and Engagement and Chief System Engagement Officer, University of Missouri

    • Photo of Gavin Luter

      Gavin Luter

      Awards Committee Co-Chair

      Managing Director, UniverCity Alliance, University of Wisconsin - Madison

    • Photo of Ali Modarres

      Ali Modarres

      Membership Committee Chair

      Assistant Chancellor for Community Engagement and Dean of the School of Urban Studies, University of Washington - Tacoma

    • Photo of Drew Pearl

      Drew Pearl

      Conference Committee Co-Chair

      Director of Community Engagement Research and Publications, Division of Community Affairs, University of Alabama

    • Photo of Timothy R. Steffensmeier

      Timothy R. Steffensmeier


      Assistant Vice President for Engagement and Outreach, Kansas State University

    • Photo of Daniela Susnara

      Daniela Susnara

      Scholarship Committee Co-Chair

      Director of Planning and Assessment for Community Engagement, Division of Community Affairs, University of Alabama

    • Photo of Rod N. Williams

      Rod N. Williams

      Professional Development Committee Chair

      Vice Provost for Outreach and Engagement, Texas Tech University