Poster Session 1

Room: Big Ten C
Sunday, October 2, 2011
4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Cultural Preservation

U.S./Africa Cultural Heritage Strategic Collaborations in a Digital Age

C. Kurt Dewhurst, Michigan State University; Marsha L. MacDowell, Michigan State University; James Pritchett, Michigan State Unversity; Dean A. Rehberger, Michigan State University

Michigan State University specialists in digital humanities, museum studies, African Studies, and engaged cultural heritage work are building partnerships and using new technologies and best practices to document, safeguard, preserve, interpret/reinterpret, present, and make accessible the tangible and intangible heritage of Africa's many cultures.

Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives: Preserving and Presenting Workers Culture

John P. Beck, Michigan State University; Yvonne R. Lockwood, Michigan State University

This presentation will examine the preservation, presentation, and promotion of workers culture conducted under the Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives program. This unique community outreach and culture program has blended scholarly research and presentation with other forms of engagement including museum exhibits, poetry and fiction readings, and concerts, among others.

Master Folk Artists as Community Scholars and Mentors

LuAnne Kozma, Michigan State University

Michigan State University Museum's Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program has engaged community scholars—master folk artists with specialized knowledge and skills in traditional arts—in the teaching of these traditions to qualified apprentices. Lessons learned in program design and impacts on the perpetuation and continuity of these traditions will be explored.

Creating Race Knowledge: The Maggie Walker/St. Luke Research Community

Monica Griffin, College of William and Mary

The Maggie Walker/St. Luke Research Community averts traditional research methods to value each person's contribution to understanding race beyond a preset set of "facts" that come from a distinct lack of knowledge. In our work to digitize historical documents, race knowledge is an evolving, shared understanding of race experiences.

Distance Learning

An Internet-Based Program to Disseminate Training in Evidence-Based Autism Intervention

Allison Wainer, Michigan State University; Brooke R. Ingersoll, Michigan State University

There is an increasing need for the adaptation of training in evidence-based interventions to non-traditional service delivery models, particularly for individuals working with children with autism. The current study explored the use of an Internet-Based training program to introduce service providers and parents to autism intervention techniques.

Proposing Open Courseware Module Development with International Partners

Dave King, Oregon State University

We propose to create bilingual and learning modules in Asia and Latin America. They use existing online courses as a foundation, but working with international partners, distinct learning modules will be made available as open courseware for use in the United States and where the partners are located.

Video Presence in Academia: Moving Far Beyond Campus Boundaries

Maris Stella Swift, Grand Valley State University; Laurie Anne Witucki, Grand Valley State University; Linda A. Masselink, Grand Valley State University; Anne M. Merkle, Grand Valley State University

Many of our students are first generation and work full time. We will show you how we worked with a video presence to allow students to: meet with faculty while on a work break; participate in group projects from six locations; and attend classes from a hospital bed.

Impactful Formative Evaluation Practices in Community-Based Online Learning Projects

Scott Schaffer, Purdue University

Formative evaluation is crucial to the design of online learning environments. The formative evaluation process followed by three university teams partnering with a local art museum was crucial to determining the projects' impact and potential sustainability. Should both formative and summative evaluation findings be considered evidence of impact?

Faculty Development

Beyond Good Intentions: Rethinking Curriculum Delivery

Alejandra Gudino, University of Missouri; Kim Allen, North Carolina State University

In this presentation we analyze a four year process team-taught curriculum developed for Latino families focusing on family communication. Our aim was to achieve a more comfortable teaching-learning experience for the families and for ourselves, facilitating an environment that would look and feel different from a traditional adult class setting.

Improving the Writing, Editing, and Readability of Community Engagement Journals

Cassandra Simon, University of Alabama; Edward Mullins, University of Alabama; Heather Pleasants, University of Alabama; Jessica Averitt Taylor, University of Alabama; Marion Walding, University of Alabama

Chastised for violating the preposition rule, Winston Churchill replied: "That's the sort of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put."Attendees will learn not only how to combat pedantry but also passive language and many other ills of academic discourse, while improving their manuscript preparation and APA style.

Day on the Bus: Introducing Faculty/Staff to the Regional Community

Elissa Bakke, University of Southern Indiana; Matthew Hanka, University of Southern Indiana; Richard A. Coleman, Vincennes University

"Day on the Bus" is a collaborative event involving faculty and staff from the four regional higher educational institutions. The event gives participants an opportunity to step out of the academic setting to network and get a taste of the regional industries, with the goal of encouraging outreach and engagement activities.

Teaching Community-Based Research to Undergraduates

Howard Rosing, DePaul University

An interactive workshop that provides resources for instructors who are considering the integration of community-based research projects as pedagogy into undergraduate courses. Participants are guided through a series of topics that illustrate successful practices and the benefits and challenges of engaging undergraduates in collaborative research on critical social issues.

Challenges and Alternatives to Promote Evidence-Based Outreach Engagement

Koralalage Jayaratne, North Carolina State University; Patricia Sobrero, North Carolina State University

This era of accountability stresses the need for promoting evidence-based practice. This movement demands establishing the efficacy of programs with evaluation practice. This presentation will initiate a dialogue to help participants understand what evidence-based practice is; what challenges and alternatives there are; and how to promote evidence-based practice.

A Framework to Build Cultural Competency for Outreach Program Evaluation

Koralalage Jayaratne, North Carolina State University; Patricia Sobrero, North Carolina State University

Cultural competency or someone's ability to effectively engage in a cross-cultural setting is needed for effective engagement with an extremely diverse U.S. population. This poster explains cultural competency in terms of necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes for meaningful evaluation and presents an educational framework for building cultural competency.

Assessing Faculty Fellows Programs for Service-Learning Professional Development

Paul Matthews, University of Georgia; Shannon O. Wilder, University of Georgia; Stacey Kolomer, University of Georgia

Short-term and longer-term outcomes of participation in a year-long "faculty fellows" service-learning professional development program by six cohorts of faculty members help demonstrate how such programs not only prepare faculty for implementing service-learning but also support the institutionalization of engaged practice throughout the university.

Cultivating Curricular Change Through Service-Learning: Lessons Learned Through Dissemination

William Oakes, Purdue University

If engaged learning has so much potential, why is it so hard to get into the curriculum? This presentation will explore ways to cultivate change and share experiences from one service-learning model that has been disseminated successfully. Participants will engage in discussions and begin developing their own plans for change.

Institutional Research, Models, and Leadership

Social Responsibility: Core Value and Practice

Cynthia Struthers, Western Illinois University; Chirstopher D. Merrett, Western Illinois University

In 2010, Western Illinois University applied for the Carnegie Foundation Elective Community Engagement designation. This poster will highlight ways that the university is practicing their commitment to their core value of social responsibility through community-based research and service-learning.

The University in Development: Theoretical Perspectives on Engaged Scholarship in South Africa

David Cooper, University of Cape Town

The poster will highlight, through South African case studies of research groupings, an understanding of the double transformation of an engaged university or 'university in development': outreach transformation via the university's 'third mission' of societal socio-economic-cultural development and inreach transformation via substantial internal university restructuring/development to fulfill its engagement mission.

Building a Service-Learning Curriculum at the University of Connecticut

David Williams, University of Connecticut-Greater Hartford Campus

This presentation will provide an outline of the approach taken by the University of Connecticut to establish a multi-campus initiative on service-learning.

The Community-University Exchange: Building an Infrastructure for Meaningful Partnerships

Elizabeth Tryon, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Margaret Nellis, University of Wisconsin-Madison; J. Ashleigh Ross, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ariel Kaufman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

How do you structure engaged scholarship to serve the community well? The "Community-University Exchange" at the UW-Madison builds on existing networks, transforming a place-Based partnership into a 'brokered' web of multidisciplinary collaborations. The presentation will guide participants through a discussion of aspects to consider when developing engaged scholarship for maximum impact.

Community Engagement Practices, Costs, and Benefits

Marcie Simpson, University of Georgia

Findings and methodology of a quantitative study on community engagement practices, perceived costs, and perceived benefits will be presented. The population of the study is the 2006 and 2008 Carnegie community-engaged classified institutions. The results influence administrative decision making and our understanding of the relationship of perceived costs and benefits of community-engagement practices.

Institutionalizing Service-Learning in Higher Education: Ten Key Organizational Factors

Neivin Shalabi, University of Denver

This poster presentation aims to present a visual display of the critical organizational factors for institutionalizing and sustaining service-learning in higher education. These factors include institutional mission, definition, culture, policies, infrastructure, funding and budget allocation, community voice and involvement, diversity, administrative and academic leadership, discipline-Based departments, curriculum, and assessment.

Practicing What We Preach: Using Evidence-Based Inquiry in Assessment

Patrick Lucas, University of North Carolina - Greensboro

With evidence from a departmental analysis of engagement, the presenter will recount both process and products for assessment of activities in a university setting. With this background, participants will engage in conversations about evidence-based inquiry inside the academy and the promise of rich research agendas springing from this practice.

Community Campus Partnerships for Mutual Capacity Building

Sue Levesque, York University; Lesley Elizabeth Beagrie, York University; Michaela Hynie, York University; Yvette M. Munro, York University; Brenda Spotton Visano, York University

York University's Community Engagement Centre (CEC) offers an effective partnership between the university and community serving residents in an adjacent low-income neighborhood. Through community engagement, the Centre developed strategies for promoting community outreach. The presentation will highlight the governance framework and examples of community-based research and service activities.

Research Methods and Practices

Using Participatory Action Research as a Program for Black Girls

Adrienne Duke, University of Wisconsin - Madison

This poster focuses on three schools that are engaging in a participatory action research project. The youth partners are African American adolescent girls and their topics focus on issues around racism and favoritism in school. This poster will outline the presenter's process of doing in-school PAR in a programmatic way.

Visual Strategies: Activity-Based Focus Groups in CBPR

Alicia Hibbert, University of Alberta; Fay Fletcher, University of Alberta; Lola Baydala, University of Alberta; Fiona Robertson, University of Alberta

Working with community members, we created activities for a readiness assessment at a Metis settlement and for post-intervention evaluation focus groups at a First Nation community. Activities increased engagement, provided visual results for groups unwilling or unable to be recorded, and promoted relationship building between community members and academics.

Making the Team: Conducting Hierarchical Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning Research

Christine Yalda, Grand Valley State University; Carly Hilinski, Grand Valley State University

This presentation provides a model for developing, implementing, and managing interdisciplinary teams of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students engaged in responsible community service-learning research. Typical challenges, potential best practices, and common faculty and student responses are discussed.

Community-Based Systemic Change at an Urban Land Grant College

Eric Dunker, University of Denver

Community-Based research (CBR) offers higher education a more collaborative, wider reaching avenue of organizing a variety of stakeholders around social change. This instrumental case-study highlights how an urban, four year college utilized the three principles of CBR as it worked towards creating a more sustainable infrastructure.

Measuring Academic Capacity: Research in Relationship

Fay Fletcher, University of Alberta; Lola Baydala, University of Alberta; Stephanie Worrell, University of Alberta; Barbara McLean, University of Alberta; Davina Rousell, University of Alberta

Community-university researchers work within and between many communities, each having unwritten rules, policies, and ways of being that are at times aligned and at other times in conflict. In this presentation, academic researchers discuss focus group findings, exploring our capacity to work within and between academic and First Nations communities.

Project Tuscaloosa: Development of a Partnership Model for Community Engagement

Jessica Taylor, University of Alabama; D. Scott Batey, University of Alabama; James E. Taylor, University of Alabama; Heidi Helmer, University of Alabama; Cassandra E. Simon, University of Alabama

This partnership project develops a student engagement model of CBPR that: (a) establishes sustainable community-led strategic planning to address relevant local health issues; (b) incorporates community members, students, and stakeholders into the planning, implementation, and evaluation processes; and (c) expands community and student knowledge regarding community engagement practice, research, and scholarship.

Student Outcomes

College Unbound: A New Model for Undergraduate Outreach and Scholarship

Dennis Littky, College Unbound; Adam Bush, College Unbound

This presentation will highlight the innovations and interventions of College Unbound ( is an innovative higher education program model that crafts a rigorous, personalized, fully accredited baccalaureate program anchored in internships and problem based learning that aligns students with faculty, advisors, fellow students, and community members to tackle ‘real world' problems.

Assessment of Student Participation in an International Pharmacy Practice Experience

Ellen Schellhase, Purdue University; Monica Miller, Purdue University

Purdue University pharmacy students complete an 8-week advance pharmacy practice experience in Eldoret, Kenya. A survey of past students was conducted to assess the value and impact of their experience. The results of this survey were used for program improvement and promotion, alumni relations, and funding requests.

Students' Evaluation of Service Learning for Social Justice Teacher Education

Eric Dickens, Michigan State University

In designing a service-learning component for a social justice in education course, instructors had assumptions about what experiences would benefit students' learning about educational equity. However, quantitative and qualitative analysis of feedback from more than 200 students challenged these assumptions and led to reorganizing this critical course component.

Evidence of Student Learning When the Community Is the Classroom

George Daniels, University of Alabama; Mark R. Wilson, Auburn University

After taking their undergraduate students to rural Tennessee and a West Alabama public housing community, service-learning instructors from two Alabama institutions have tips on alternative ways to build evidence of student learning. This presentation offers strategies for assessment whether one is teaching introductory or upper-level courses in community engagement.

Student and Community Partner Expectations for Effective Community-Engaged Learning Partnerships

Holly Stack-Cutler, University of Alberta; Sara Dorow, University of Alberta

Encouraging student and community partner feedback about their community-engaged learning (CEL) experiences can lead to understanding promising CEL practices. We discuss findings from a workshop where students involved in CEL described their placement expectations and from a survey of community partners' perspectives on working with students and university CEL partnerships.

Liberty Hyde Bailey Scholars: Learning from the Inside-Out

Janice Hironaka, Michigan State University; Howard Person, Michigan State University; Pat Crawford, Michigan State University

Liberty Hyde Bailey Scholars is a specialization using self-directed and collaborative learning in a community environment. Learning Visions Statements assist students with intentionality in their learning and reflection on their learning journey. A qualitative analysis of Learning Visions Statements will share insights into what interests, inspires, and motives Bailey Scholars.

Long- and Short-term Effects of Peer-Facilitated Service-Learning

Joseph Galura, University of Michigan

The University of Michigan's Project Community is one of the country's longest continuously-running service-learning programs. The poster will display:

  1. What are the learning outcomes for Project Community students?
  2. How do these outcomes compare with a traditional sociology course?
  3. Do these learning outcomes continue after students graduate?
Understanding Civic Engagement Through Service and Learning

Mary Hutchinson, Pennsylvania State University; Karen Kackley-Dutt, Pennsylvania State University; Nick Accordino, Pennsylvania State University; Vinod Jeyaretnam, Pennsylvania State University

This study explores the impact of combining academic content coursework with a service-learning offering on students' civic attitudes and skills. Students enrolled in ecology and civic engagement courses simultaneously and then participated in an alternative spring break service program in the rainforest of Costa Rica.

Assessing Re-Entry Culture Shock Following an International Pharmacy Practice Experience

Monica Miller, Purdue University; Ellen Schellhase, Purdue University

Purdue University pharmacy students complete an 8-week advance pharmacy practice experience in Eldoret, Kenya. A survey of the 2010-2011 students was conducted to assess the culture shock and re-entry issues associated with this experience. The results of this survey will be used to develop re-entry programming.

Transformative Experiences of Study Abroad: Engagement, Instructor-Led and Immersion Programs

Natalie Graham, Michigan State University; Pat Crawford, Michigan State University

Study abroad is famed for fostering transformative experiences for college students. Does the type of program make a difference? This poster is a comparative analysis of the transformative experiences of students' participation in three distinct program types: engagement, instructor-led, and immersion. Analysis of 24 in-depth interviews will be presented.

Engaging Undergraduates with the University's Public Service & Outreach Mission

Paul Matthews, University of Georgia; Shannon O. Wilder, University of Georgia

How can a large, public, land-grant university help its undergraduate students not only become aware of, but also become directly involved in, its outreach and engagement activities? This presentation shares the process of developing, piloting, assessing, and revising a new "student scholars" program in public service and outreach.

Examining Successful Professional Development Experiences for Black Male Preservice Teachers

Roy Jones, Clemson University; Lamont A. Flowers, Clemson University; Winston E. Holton, Clemson University

We will examine the results and implications of an evaluation study of Clemson University's Call Me MISTER® Program. The presentation is also designed to discuss the components of the program as well as describe student-level data, examining its educational and social impacts.


Senior Citizens and their Use of Internet for Community Engagement

B. Joon Kim, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

This study explores the impact of creating a computer literacy program for seniors via a service-learning approach. The findings of this study will shed light on understanding how the computer literacy program with community partners (e.g., a senior ministry and a public library) work for seniors' community engagement.

Developing Appropriate Technology for Honduras in a Service-Learning Program

Gregory Bixler, Ohio State University; Roger Dzwonczyk, Ohio State University; Miriam R. Simon, Ohio State University

Developing appropriate technology for third world end users is the challenge for a group of Ohio State University (OSU) students. By partnering with Honduran stakeholders and technical advisors, the team designed a sustainable and affordable, self-contained family-sized aquaponics system. They implemented and tested the system during a 2011 immersion trip.

Using Technology to Expand Engagement Capacity

Julia Storberg-Walker, North Carolina State University; Diane Chapman, North Carolina State University

It is difficult to keep up with the tumultuous changes in technology, much less know how the changes can increase capacity to design and deploy engaged scholarship across geographies or over time. This presentation offers a framework for organizing the elements involved with technology to support and/or deliver engaged projects.

Deep Culture and Social Media: The Changing Face of Engagement

Molly Engle, Oregon State University; Chris La Belle, Oregon State University

Extension's long established outreach history can provide frequent, good examples of engagement (e.g., county advisory boards). Yet, deep culture pervades the delivery of programs and services, ignoring networks already in place, preserving the status quo. Employing new media will encourage outreach to and engage new audiences by addressing deep culture.

Youth Definitions of Healthy Sexuality: Implications for Social Technology Use

Terrance Campbell, YOUR Center; Allison Kimmel, University of Michigan; Daniel Kruger, University of Michigan

Social technology is an ever-increasing component of STI/HIV prevention campaigns, whereas directly incorporating the local youths' perspectives is less frequent. Members of the Genesee County Healthy Sexuality Project Team will discuss major findings, including youth preferences for using social technology to promote healthy sexuality, focusing on personal responsibility, trust, and privacy.

Long-Term Engagement by Design

William Oakes, Purdue University

Technology can improve the way not-for-profits, schools, and local government organizations service the citizens of our communities. Students in the EPICS Program at Purdue University earn academic credit for developing designs to meet these needs. EPICS has grown at Purdue, spreading to 20 other campuses and to high schools.

Impact of Software Engineering Service Learning Capstone Project to Community

Wook-Sung Yoo, Fairfield University; Jennifer Nicole Lawlor, Fairfield University

The capstone project in the Software Engineering program at Fairfield University redesigned the website of Hispanos Unidos, a non-profit organization to educate and prevent HIV/AIDS in the community. Data collected from usability studies, surveys, rank in search engines, and Google Analytics show the impact of this service-learning project to the organization.

Using Technology for Engagement with STEM Students with Disabilities

Margaretha Izzo, Ohio State University; John M. Flach, Wright State University; Christopher Andersen, Ohio State University

Funded by the NSF Research in Disabilities Education program, Ohio's STEM Ability Alliance uses accessible, online communications technology to support the engagement of students, mentors, and others with disabilities in activities aimed at increasing the number of students with disabilities completing STEM degrees at community colleges and four-year institutions.