Hall, Amanda F.

Amanda F. Hall

Amanda F. Hall

Member-at-Large and Awards Committee Chair

Executive Director, Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning, Western Carolina University


Amanda F. Hall

Amanda Hall is the Executive Director of the Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning at Western Carolina University. A community-engaged educator and advocate for almost 20 years, Dr. Hall has served as an outreach educator for Virgina State Parks and the Science Museum of Virginia, a middle school science educator, and the founder of the FMS School Garden & Market and the FMS Do Something Club, before becoming a faculty member and scholar administrator of community and civic engagement in higher education. She has chaired the Service-Learning and Experiential Education Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association and co-hosted the Experiential Commons podcast. Her academic and community interests include community-based participatory action research; community cultural wealth and youth action research; photovoice as a pedagogical and research tool; reflection as assessment; asset-based community development; building student professional and civic competencies through community engaged teaching, learning, and research; and faculty and youth development for community-engaged practice and scholarship.