



Conference Features:
  • Stimulating plenary speakers
  • Paper presentations
  • Interactive workshops
  • Poster sessions
  • Technology gallery
  • Reception at Hintz Alumni Center
  • Reception at the Penn State football stadium

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

UCEA Community of Practice on Outreach and Engagement

The University Continuing Education Association's Community of Practice (COP) on Outreach and Engagement will host a roundtable discussion at breakfast. This will be a chance to learn about the engagement agendas at other institutions and to share information about outreach and engagement activities at your own institution. Representatives of the COP will also share information about the activities of this UCEA group. Both nonmembers and members of UCEA are welcome to attend.

8:30-10:00 a.m.

Plenary Session

Diane Oblinger

Closing speaker

The Next-Generation Learner

(Presentation is available in PowerPoint or pdf format)
Diane Oblinger, Vice President of EDUCAUSE

For the past decade, pundits have talked about how information technology has changed how we work, live, and learn. At the same time, learners have changed. The learning styles, attitudes, and approaches of today's high school students differ from those of 18- to 22-year-old college students. Those of adult learners are different, yet again. An essential component of creating effective learning environments is understanding learners. This presentation will describe some of what we know about "the next-generation learner" and ponder the implications for education and engagement.

an annual conference sponsored by:

The Ohio State University
The Penn State University
The University of Wisconsin-Extension
The University of Georgia
Ohio State University
The University of Georgia

Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce.
This site is a product of Penn State, Outreach Office of Marketing.
Please e-mail us with your questions, comments, or suggestions at WebInfo@outreach.psu.edu.

Copyright © 2003 The Pennsylvania State University
This page was last modified on Wednesday, July 06, 2005.
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