



Conference Features:
  • Stimulating plenary speakers
  • Paper presentations
  • Interactive workshops
  • Poster sessions
  • Technology gallery
  • Reception at Hintz Alumni Center
  • Reception at the Penn State football stadium

Sunday, October 3, 2004
3:30-5:00 p.m. Opening Session
Dr. Freeman Hrabowski III

Keynote speaker
Building a University for a Changing World

Freeman Hrabowski III, President, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Rapid and dramatic demographic and technological changes present the nation with enormous challenges for educating students, growing the economy, and responding to society's needs in the first part of the new century. America's colleges and universities have a central role to play in all of these critical areas--serving as agents of change as they themselves change institutionally in response to new and changing markets, multilevel partnerships, and serious challenges to institutional funding. Their effectiveness will be determined largely by how well they engage students, business and industry, public agencies and schools, communities, and others. Dr. Hrabowski will focus on best practices and strategies for successful institutional outreach and engagement.

an annual conference sponsored by:

The Ohio State University
The Penn State University
The University of Wisconsin-Extension
The University of Georgia
Ohio State University
The University of Georgia

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This page was last modified on Wednesday, July 06, 2005.
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