



Conference Features:
  • Stimulating plenary speakers
  • Paper presentations
  • Interactive workshops
  • Poster sessions
  • Technology gallery
  • Reception at Hintz Alumni Center
  • Reception at the Penn State football stadium

Sunday, October 3, 2004
1:00-3:00 p.m.

Afternoon Preconference Workshops

Marvin Van Kekerix
Mary Crave

So What? Says Who? Building Capacity to Measure and Communicate the Impact of Outreach Programs

Marvin Van Kekerix, Provost and Vice Chancellor, University of Wisconsin-Extension
Mary Crave, Program Impact Initiative Leader, University of Wisconsin-Extension

Educators engaged in outreach know what they do is important. But can they justify it and describe the benefits to community members, university administrators, fellow faculty, and other stakeholders? This session will discuss the University of Wisconsin-Extension's Program Impact Initiative and the kinds of policies, resources, and capacity needed to evaluate and communicate the human, environmental, economic, or civic impact of outreach programs. Initiative leaders will review the administrative, training, technical, and collegial support needed for such an initiative and how the results can be used with legislators, local decision makers, and the people we serve, as well as for program improvement.

Lawrence C. Ragan
Melody Thompson

Outreach Scholarship: Research Initiatives in Online Faculty Engagement

Lawrence C. Ragan, Director of Instructional Design and Development, Penn State World Campus
Melody Thompson, Director of the American Center for the Study of Distance Education, College of Education, Penn State

Faculty play a critical role in the successful design, development, and delivery of online instruction. Transforming the teaching and learning model from a face-to-face one to teaching at a distance presents several challenges to the faculty. Particularly challenging for online faculty is offering students high levels of engagement without being overwhelmed by the workload this can entail. Outreach scholarship should be based in a combination of research-to-practice and practice-to-research approaches that can contribute valuable insights into this and other online faculty challenges. This workshop will present the results of several research projects sponsored by Penn State World Campus and designed to study and develop strategies for addressing the issue of faculty's online workload. Using these research projects as examples, we will also engage participants in a discussion of the process of outreach scholarship and identification of additional areas for research and other scholarly activity.

Hiram E. Fitzgerald
Lorilee Sandmann
Patricia Book

Creating Systems to Support Outreach Scholarship

Lorilee Sandmann, Co-director of the Clearinghouse and National Review Board for the Scholarship of Engagement, and Associate Professor of Adult Education, The University of Georgia
Patricia Book, Vice President for Regional Development, Kent State University
Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Assistant Provost for University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University

How do institutions fully realize the potential of the scholarship of engagement? How have colleges and universities created systems to support the scholarship of engagement? What processes or steps have institutions taken to create institutional alignment? This workshop will provide teams with an opportunity to gain lessons learned from universities that have established shared definitions of outreach scholarship, standards of quality outreach, and criteria for evaluation. Institutions will share how institutional alignment is being planned and achieved.

an annual conference sponsored by:

The Ohio State University
The Penn State University
The University of Wisconsin-Extension
The University of Georgia
Ohio State University
The University of Georgia

Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce.
This site is a product of Penn State, Outreach Office of Marketing.
Please e-mail us with your questions, comments, or suggestions at WebInfo@outreach.psu.edu.

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